Nestled in the aged heart of the city, this bar is nothing short of a show stopper. Snaking around a small stationary store, and under the popular Merchant's Lane coffee shop, PS150's unassuming entrance is easy to miss - unless you have a child-like curiosity for old toys.
Hipster café’s are a thing of the past. This place speaks nothing but hippie central. The modest furnishings of Moroccan styled wooden furniture combined with some beautiful art work to one side, this place has an electric hippie vibe. The only thing missing is a shisha pipe.
Tucked in the heart of the city, surrounded by nostalgia colonial houses, this bar is made for those who want some quality time with their company. Comfy couches flanked by 60's english series at play, and subtle lounge music in the background, one can linger here for hours. You won't realise you're in the heart of the city as not a squeak of traffic can be heard.
*And the main road is just a 2 minutes away! One of the new kids on the block, this place is no ordinary coffee chill out café. Its actually a working Barista school that partly serves as a café.
Hidden right in the heart of KL, this place has an old-school charm to it. Its on the corner of a row of old colonial houses.
It's easy to miss, so do keep your eyes wide open. |